Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How it began

It's hard to believe, but less than a month ago I heard about an opportunity for a special project in Indonesia. I put my name forward and to my big surprise I was asked to work on the project. The news was made even better when I heard that my friend and colleague, Katherine would be joining me.

We leave in five days and I wanted to establish a way for me to keep track of my thoughts along the way. We will have 4 missions to Pidie District and we will re-build their public library system. Currently there is one public library, which sustained significant damage during the tsunami. The library has also been covering for about 40 school libraries that were totally lost in the tsunami. By all accounts it will be a challenge.

I'm in Newfoundland at the moment, having a mini-holiday with my friend Aimee before the CLA conference. We have been to Cape Spear to see the most easterly point in Canada. I kept thinking as the wind chilled through me, that by next week I will be hot and humid. I have been enjoying my time here and treating it as a way to relax before the big trip and first mission to Pidie District.

1 comment:

r said...

I am so pleased that you and Katherine have started a blog already. I await your posts with interest and envy.