The drive to Pidie was incredible. It was like a Formula One race track without the safety bumpers. Our driver was most skillful careening around other vehicles and going around curves while going uphill. The back seat passengers got a bit queasy and we have negotiated the shotgun seat to be rotated on subsequent trips to Pidie.
We are being driven around in fancy vehicles. There is much evidence of the NGO element in the area.
We're in some kind of villa. It is quite a lovely setting. There is a soccer field beside us. There is another team here working on local government. They arrived first and have the best rooms....we'll get one of those rooms next week when we come back. The house itself is quite huge and grand. We are delighted to have air conditioning in our room. We bug spray it at night. In the morning we awake to prayers at 5:00 a.m. It really wasn't that disturbing but then they are on Rob's side of the house. He particularly appreciates the raspy voice of the chanters.
We had an 8:00 a.m. meeting with the Bapada (local administrator/town manager). He fully endorses the project and sees the role that library can play in community development. He wanted us to 'improve human resources'. This is very forward thinking as we have found that most people do not think of the library as a place that is important.
We are being driven around in fancy vehicles. There is much evidence of the NGO element in the area.
We're in some kind of villa. It is quite a lovely setting. There is a soccer field beside us. There is another team here working on local government. They arrived first and have the best rooms....we'll get one of those rooms next week when we come back. The house itself is quite huge and grand. We are delighted to have air conditioning in our room. We bug spray it at night. In the morning we awake to prayers at 5:00 a.m. It really wasn't that disturbing but then they are on Rob's side of the house. He particularly appreciates the raspy voice of the chanters.
We had an 8:00 a.m. meeting with the Bapada (local administrator/town manager). He fully endorses the project and sees the role that library can play in community development. He wanted us to 'improve human resources'. This is very forward thinking as we have found that most people do not think of the library as a place that is important.

We were then taken on a tour of two school libraries; (one trade school, one high school) and the public library.
The library needs everything, as we had guessed. They need shelves, The only thing they don't need is the ton-o-books that are on their shelves.
More later gotta go for dinner now.
D & K.