Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 2 in Jogja

We were taken to a community centre that the Sleman library staff had strong connections with. This centre had a variety of supports for the community, including a small library funded by the Coca Cola Foundation. It was interesting to tour the various rooms and spaces and see how the community made use of the space. There was a music room, that was really quite something, with traditional instruments, big gongs. They said that quite a few men came in to use that space. They had a bakery and a room with sewing machines, along with the library.

The next stop was to visit a bookmobile stop. There were a lot of children making use of the bookmobile and it was a good opportunity for the Sigli staff to see how another library handles bookmobile stops. They even had a computer on the bookmobile.

We got some great photo ops with Dawna doing ‘Round and Round the Garden’ with the local children. The kids got a big bang out of it and it demonstrated immediately the benefit of this for early literacy because the kids tried to mimic the rhyme. Later in the van Yurni showed us a similar Indonesian rhyme. So it seems universal that there is a benefit to link tickling with early literacy

We ended the day with a temple tour, this time it was a Hindu temple. Earthquakes had caused substantial damage to the area and we were not able to walk too closely among the ruins. Because of the damage we weren’t able to enter the temple or closely tour it like we could Borubudar. Truth be told, we were really beat by the end of the day…we may not have been able to truly appreciate this spot because we were all so tired.

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