Thursday, August 9, 2007

Up and at it again

o.k. it is 8 am and we are getting organized for today. We just have the morning and then we are off to the big smoke - Banda Aceh where we plan to go to the speakeasy tonight. Ring the bell and wait a few minutes - if approved you get to go in and up to the rooftop garden restaurant and eat Italian.

We had a most delicious dinner yesterday with a Thai soup made with lemon grass, lemon leaves and fish sauce making up the base. Simon our interpreter and Daisy his wife made it. And we had shrimp again which of course is fresh each day.

So this morning we'll stop boring the libary staff with presentations on writing a business case and the like and get to the shelves - where we will help to bring some order and get the kids items separated so they can have their own spot. Right now it is something of a clerical supervisors nightmare- 400 in 600 and fiction here and there. Talking about specific books and sections should also help the group with the collection statement (we hope!). So since it is Friday it is a short day - for there are longer prayers on Friday.


the croydon laydeez said...

hey Dawna,
how are you??
was just scrolling through your blog, it sounds great..hope you are having a blast..sending you happy thoughts..
Naila and Sarah

Anonymous said...

A daily routine of reciting Dewey numbers in the morning with the locals, before work commences, is in order!

Dawna said...

You're right..we should get some sort of decimal chanting going to get some shelf reading action happening...Thanks for the tip!