Thought it might be nice to finish off with a hodgepodge of snaps from the end of the trip so here goes:
On the way to Sigli from Banda Aceh
These pictures show us just after we found out we missed our flight out to Singapore and we were going to have to stay overnight in Medan. It was a pretty dismal moment but Dawna and I found a spot of humour when we spied this sign. It suggested that we could complete an internet based checkin and get an electronic boarding pass. This seemed a bit optimistic on the part of the airline and completely ludicrious given recent experiences we had but heck they were giving it a shot so kudos to them. 

On the last afternoon we went to a cultural/dance celebration, in honour of the 2 year anniversary of the signing of the peace agreement in Helsinki. There were some wonderful traditional costumes and dance. People wanted to have us in the pics too when we really just wanted to take photos of them.

That was a major festival even with a rock band.
More pics later on not as regular life takes over. Now to write all the reports!
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