On the way to Sigli from Banda Aceh

This blog was set up to keep people informed about a library project that Katherine and I are working on for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is intended to keep family and friends up to date on the experience.
We ended the afternoon with the business plan workshop. This was the session that Dawna worked on the most and with Katherine's help, it paid off. Sosi delivered the presentation in Bahasa Indonesian and then the staff split into 3 working groups to prepare business cases for additional electrical infrastructure, a bookmobile and a new library.
Mukhtar knows the power of food to motivate and bring people together. This afternoon was no exception. He provided bags of sweet coffee, savoury food, fruit and sweets. He manages to create a very happy atmosphere and the staff (and the two of us) respond very positively. The afternoon went very well and the 3 business cases are well on their way.
Boy, do we have this Indonesian thing wrong. When we came back to the house, the very kind woman, Yulia, who looks after the house was watching Fashion TV and there were some very scantily clad ladies on the show. And then we heard that they show porn in a coffee house in Banda. Here we thought we were living in strict Muslim territory.
Tonight at the house it is just Katherine, Sosi and I as the other team has left for Banda. We are planning to have dinner with Simon and his family.
Another good day in Sigli.
We were treated to some fruit. Oranges we know, but snakefruit was something different. It has a stiff leathery skin, much like a snake which was quite sharp under your fingernails when you peel it. They are a mahogany colour. Inside was a white coloured fruit that was a bit bitter. It comes in three parts. Apparently the same fruit is much sweeter in Java. I think I will have to go to Java to really get the true flavour. I found it a bit bitter but ate it anyway.
The other fruit was rambutan, it means hairy fruit. It is a red colour with spiky hair. The spikes look sharp but they are actually quite soft. It tasted like a lichee. You can buy a bundle of about 12 for 5 cents. I would eat these at home if I could find them. I am sure they could be found.
When we got home we did some Pilates. We set up the mats in the living area and Manon, Katherine and I stretched away. We are trying to find some sort of exercise that works here in the heat. I think we have found it.
It was a very good day...and now if I could only get over the jet lag all would be perfect!
Until next post,