We are always looking out for each other while travelling here and one will caution the other when the wrong hand is going to be used, when one might be poised to fall into a sewer, or drink water they shouldn’t and so on.
Sometimes the other agrees and sometimes they don’t.
We were invited on a field trip to see a bridge building project in the area where the GAM and the conflict was centered. It is a partnership project with CALGAP supporting with funds, the community also providing funds and the community organizing and doing the work. The bridge will obviously be a real benefit to the community as it provides a direct route to the local village where before it was a kind of steel girder foot-bridge.
So while there Dawna was keen to go on the steel girder, Katherine cautioned, Dawna proceeded. She kind of freaked out a little a few steps over the water- which was really quite fast moving. Bravely she turned around for the photo op to prove her mettle, never letting on that she was experiencing vertigo. After said photo she hustled back to shore- crowing at her achievement. There were congratulations all around.
Quite a few country people came through while we were there- shyly smiling and confidently walking over the girder bridge. It is a pretty spot with a rustic charm, as the stream curves around bends and there are footpaths going in various directions.

We’ve really gotten around this trip to different parts of the countryside - farming areas and mountain areas also to the beach of course.
Sorry no pictures but we did want to share that one day we were driving along in town here and passed a mosque that was filled with cows. There must have been 40 cows milling about. We had a lot of fun discussing the topic of their meeting. Earlier in the tri p we did share some jokes including the favourite ‘why is 6 afraid of 7’. Find the answer yourselves by asking any 6 year old. So we conjectured that this might be a point of discussion for the cows that day. What did one cow say to the other one in the mosque? ‘You know, I keep thinking it is Tuesday today.’
bravo Dawna! (...with 50 kilos of books on your head?!)
xo to you, Georgie girl.
Okay, I guess Cirque de Soleil has no fear of Dawna trumping their act. But help Pidie cow-proof their library, won't you? First they take the mosque, then it'll be the library.
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